If we receive a valid DMCA notice, we will take prompt action by removing or disabling access to the content in question and fulfilling our legal obligations under the DMCA. Please be advised that a copy of your notice, including your contact information, may be forwarded to the person responsible for the alleged infringement to address the issue. If you feel the removal was in error, you may file a counter-notification with the following details: Description of the content that was removed or disabled and its location on the Site before the action was taken. Your contact details, including name, mailing address, phone number, and email address. A statement, under penalty of perjury, that you believe the action was taken due to a mistake or misidentification. An agreement to submit to the jurisdiction of the federal court in your area (or, for those outside the U.S., a district where the Site is located) and to accept service of process from the original DMCA notice filer or their representative. A physical or electronic signature.